2018年新年おめでとうございます。Connection of the Children代表理事の加藤です。2017年は多くの方々の応援のおかげで、様々なプロジェクトを実施できました。本当にありがとうございました。CoCは現在、主に5つのプロジェクトを実施しています。
Happy new year! This is Koske Kato, the director of Connection of the Children. Thank you for your great cooperation in 2017.We now focus on 5 projects.
Education program’Tabinova’
This program is based on a travel experience and we go to a school with a traveler and an international student.We do a workshop and do our program interactively.In this program, we expect the children to gain insight into themselves and others and work on their core values by cultivating and developing six important skills.
「言葉を使わなくても気持ちは伝わるんだね 於:世界中で使える言葉を話そう(小4女の子)」
「自分でことわざを考えるのは難しかった、でも一つ作れて楽しかった 於:世界のことわざから世界を見てみよう(小3男の子) 」
「怒った顔で『ありがとう』伝えると気持ち悪かったから、これからは笑顔で『ありがとう』を伝えるね 於:世界の言葉で気持ちも伝えよう(小1女の子)」
We had 22 class in 5 schools and met 473 kids in 2017 and we got many review from that kids.
‘I experienced and I know, there is a way to communicate without language.(10 years old girl)’
‘Difficult to think my original proverb but I’m happy because I could make one.(9 years old boy)’
‘I felt very weird when I said thank you with angry face.So I will say thank you with smile from now on.(6 years old girl)’
We will bring our project more widely in 2018.
Travel program’Tabitern’
This program based on the completion of individual and team activities that help campers gain insight into themselves and others and work on their core values by cultivating and developing six important skills.We went to Thailand and Shikine island in 2017.
We had classes and made their lunch(for 600 kids!).
In Shikine island, we made a dinner with local people and had some workshop to discover the attraction point of the island and to experience the various value.
We will make this tour more bigger and do this program not only Thailand but also any other countries.
‘Casaco project’
Casaco is the community house renewal opened in 2016. There are two floors inside. Upstairs is the resident of international students and downstairs is an event space. CoC opens many international event here such as ‘a world breakfast’. We made more than 40 countries so far.
We will invite more neighbors who related with outside of Japan.
「FUTURE PUB`LIC」運営パートナー(まちづくりにヨソモノ視点を)
横浜駅西口の五番街の先、ムービルの一階に、横浜西口の未来を考え、実験していく新たな拠点「FUTURE PUB’LIC ヨコハマニシグチ」が2017年6月にオープンし、CoCはその運営パートナーとして主にインバウンド旅行者や留学生の西口への誘致を実施しています。
We start cooperating to open ‘FUTURE PUB`LIC’ in Yokohama.We mainly think how to invite more international people to Yokohama station area.
We organized where and what is the attractive point in Yokohama station area in 2017 and we will continue that in 2018.
‘Thread project’ make a visible connection
It started in 2011 when Koske and Yoshi traveled all the way form Portugal to Japan by bicycle. They asked people in every country they visited to tie a short thread in order to make the connection visible.Since then, we have kept asking people from all over the world to tie their thread.We strive to teach people all around the world the importance of connections with others and encourage them to tie a piece of thread as a symbolic way to show their connection with the rest of the world.In August 2017, with the cooperation of two groups, we participated in an exhibition called“7 billion people connected by a thread”. We displayed our thread work and pictures of people all around the world who participated by tying their thread. 1,748 people attended!
We really appreciate your support.Thank you very much. We are looking forward to see you again in somewhere in the world.
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