式根島サマーキャンプ2018/ Summer camp in Shikine 2018
参加者募集!/Participants wanted!
Experience the beautiful nature with local kids in Shikine, a small Tokyo’s island
日時/date:8月17日(金)〜20日(月)/ 17th – 20th of August
場所/place:東京都新島村式根島(伊豆七島の一つ)/(Niijimamura)Shikine island
募集人数/participants:6名/ 6 people
参加費/entry fee:20,000円/ 20,000 yen
申し込み/contact:info@coc-i.org(担当/to:堀口/Yuki Horiguchi)
<式根島サマーキャンプ2018とは?/Our camp>
Summer camp in Shikine island 2018 is one of CoC`s education program events to be hold this summer.
We organise this program especially for kids between the ages of 8 and 10 and we call them `travelers`. Our travelers will get back home after strengthening 6 important skills (Challenge/Adapt/Sympathize/Liberal arts/Express/Solve) We achieve this by participating in different activities with local people, experiencing nature and traditional island culture and interacting with our international volunteer staff. We are looking forward to do it with you!!
<ボランティアで体験できること/ Experience as a volunteer>
①You’ll be supporting and joining all activities with the kids. It’ll be exciting to see the sparkle in our travelers’ eyes when experimenting totally new things!
②Interact, communicate and make friendships with native Japanese students. There will be plenty of time to share after the kids go to sleep, to chat, have a drink and learn about each other’s culture.
③Enjoy Shikine`s transparent sea, green forest and fresh air in really nice company.
<過去のボランティアからの声/ Volunteers’ opinion who participated before>
ダニエル:アンドラ公国/ Daniel from Andorra
I wanted to experience a cultural exchange that included activities kids, local experiences and beautiful nature. Kids were so cute. We talked in English and Japanese. This camp is the best memory of my stay in Japan!
ナワフ:サウジアラビア/Nawaf from Saudi Arabia
I enjoyed watching kids` growth day by day. There is an indescribable connection we only experience in this island with kids and Japanese students. I also feel I got more confidence in myself.
<実施スケジュール/ Schedule>
Day1(17/8)22時竹芝発、船中泊 / Depart to Shikine island by ferry at 22:00
Day2(18/8) 開会式、テント設営、アクティビティ①、島BBQ、ボランティア語り場/ Opening ceremony, make a tent, activity, BBQ, Volunteer exchange
Day3(19/8) アクティビティ②、③、カレー、花火大会、ボランティア語り場/ Activity②,③, Make a curry, Fireworks, Volunteer exchange
Day4(20/8) 新聞作成、閉会式、11時式根島発/ Make a newspaper, ceremony, depart at 11:00
<アクティビティ候補一部:追加・変更可能性あり/ Contents of the activity : Some activities may vary, we will keep you updated.>
・ミッションラリー/ Mission rally
島を巡りながら、BBQの食材を確保するミッションをこなす/ Explore the island and find ingredients for a BBQ
島の玄人に釣りを習う。カレーの食材、サバサンドの食材確保へ/Fishing with local people
・流木アート/ Make an art piece with driftwood
島にある流木を使って作品を作る/ Pick up driftwood and make your own art piece
・島の職業体験/Learn interesting skill form island people
島のわざを体験したり、島ならではの仕事を体験したりする/ Meet the locals and learn their interesting skills
・カヤック/シュノーケリング/Kayak and snorkel
カヤックで島の周りを回る/シュノーケリングを実施する/Travel around the island
・寒天作り/ Learn to prepare Agar
島の天草を使って、寒天作り体験/ Agar is one of the most famous products in this island.
・天然酵母ピザ作り/Prepare a pizza
ピザを島の職人と作って焼いてみる/Make a pizza in a local bakery
<その他インフォメーション/Other information>
・本サマーキャンプは、小学生49,800円の参加費を頂戴し、運営しています。/ We charge 49,800yen for kids to participate this summer camp.
・式根島サマーキャンプ開始前に、オリエンテーションを実施します。(詳細は後日おしらせします)/We will have an orientation before the camp starts. (We will let you know the detail later.)
<具体的なボランティアの仕事/ Specific work as a volunteer>
・アクティビティを実施する際、各チームに同行し、子どもたちのアクティビティのサポート。/ Be aware of kids’ safety at all times.
・島の食材を使った夕飯(BBQとカレーを検討中)の準備の補助。/ Prepare dinner (BBQ and Curry) together.
・お昼ご飯の配膳や回収。/ Deliver and collect lunch boxes.
・最終日の新聞作りで、子どもたちの作成補助。/ Help kids in the creation of the newspaper.
・その他/and so on.
後援/Supported by:東京都新島村,東京都新島村教育委員会 /Niijima island village, Niijima board of education
協力/ In cooperation of:特定非営利活動法人にいじま村,東京都立新島高等学校/NPO Niijimamura, Niijima high school
主催/Organized by:特定非営利活動法人Connection of the Children/NPO Connection of the Children
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